Admission Policy:

1.Students are directed to write correct address and other information in the form as they may be required to show C.N.I.C of their parents or guardians.

2.Student’s name shall be registered after the submission of the admission form along with admission fee for current academic session and first tuition fee in advance.

Entrance Policy:

3.After admission in READS COLLEGIATE, a card shall be issued by Administration to the student and he/she is required to show the card on entrance.

4.Please note that Students are not allowed to enter the premises of READS COLLEGIATE without Identity Card / Attendance Card.

5.After the due date for fee submission, students shall not be allowed to take classes (Unless the fee is paid or Parents / Guardians make contact with Reception)

Change/Refund/Transfer & Cancellation Policy:

6.Demo classes are not allowed. If anyhow, student is not satisfied, his/her first tuition fee can be refund within three after admission except admission fee.

7.If necessary, change of subject shall be decided within three days or else, fee must be paid again.

8. READS COLLEGIATE reserves the right to cancel the admission if student remain absent for two months without prior information.

9.Cancellation or Transfer of any subject(s) can only be possible on due date after submitting the request form. Re-Transfer is not allowed.

10.Subject cancellation is not allowed in the last two months.

11.In case of Transfer/Cancellation of any subject(s)/sections, fee package shall be revised according to the current fee schedule.

Duplicate Card:

12.Duplicate Card shall be issued after submitting Request Form with Rs.200/= as fine.

Course Duration:

13.The course duration for every subject and every class is 10 months.

14.If due to any reason the course is not completed in time, extra classes shall be arranged without any additional charges.

15.If the course of any subject is completed before its duration, complete course fee must be paid.

Due Date Policy:

16.Due date will be the same as the date of admission. However , the nearest dates among 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th of the month can also be assigned as due date.

17.There is NO DUE DATE for the last fee. The last fee shall be submitted before 10th of that month.

Practical Classes:

18.Duplicate Practical Card shall be issued upon fine of Rs.250/=

19.Practical fee is strictly non-refundable under any circumstances.

20.Student shall not be allowed to enter the Lab without Practical Card.

Disciplinary Policy:

21.We only recommend transport facility available at READS COLLEGIATE to students. However, READS COLLEGIATE bears no responsibility in any accidental situation.

22.Students shall be responsible for their vehicles, cell phones, calculators, stationary and other belongings.

23.READS COLLEGIATE shall not be responsible for any brawl, street fight outside the premises.

Admission Cancellation Policy:

24.If any student found Smoking, using narcotics or involved in unruly behavior, his/her admission shall be cancelled without refunding any fee.

25.READS COLLEGIATE reserves the right to cancel the admission of any student if he/she continuously fails in tests or being frequently absent from tests or classes.

26.READS COLLEGIATE reserves the right to cancel admission of any student without any explanation to anyone.

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